Chapter 1: Where I attempt to drown the dragon (albedo)
Chapter 1: Where I attempt to drown the dragon
(view of the exhibition)
Galerie Quynh, Hi Chi Minh city (Vietnam), 2013
Chapter 1: Where I attempt to drown the dragon
(view of the exhibition)
Galerie Quynh, Hi Chi Minh city (Vietnam), 2013
Chapter 1: Where I attempt to drown the dragon
(view of the exhibition)
Galerie Quynh, Hi Chi Minh city (Vietnam), 2013
Studiolo bianca
mixed media installation
courtesy Galerie Quynh
Cynocephalic Circle
Flash animation, sand - 8 seconds loop
courtesy Galerie Quynh
Chair, rope, net, stone, leather belt, metal hook
courtesy Galerie Quynh
Untitled (detail)
Glass rods, fishing wire, bronze bells
courtesy Galerie Quynh
Untitled (detail)
Glass rods, fishing wire, bronze bells
courtesy Galerie Quynh
Untitled (detail)
Glass rods, fishing wire, bronze bells
courtesy Galerie Quynh